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Thirteenth International Workshop on
Real-Time Business Intelligence and Analytics
August 26, 2019 - Los Angeles, CA, USA
Scholarship Awards
BIRTE 2019 aims at providing an opportunity for graduate and undergraduate students to present their work and receive constructive feedback and mentoring from established researchers. Towards this, the workshop will provide a limited number of scholarship awards to students, with the additional objective of increasing the diversity of participation.
Priority will be given to student authors who submitted a paper to BIRTE 2019 and students from underrepresented groups at the workshop, e.g., women or members of underrepresented minorities and/or for those attending BIRTE for the very first time.
All applicants need to be full-time students (undergraduate or graduate) and need to attend all the BIRTE workshop sessions.
Each awardee will receive a free early registration to attend the BIRTE workshop and VLDB (plus any workshops on Friday). Awardees traveling from farther away will also receive additional funds up to $1200 to partially cover the expense to attend the workshop. Awardees are expected to make their own arrangements for travel and accommodation and will be reimbursed after the workshop by submitting all required documentation and original receipts.
Important Dates
Application Deadline: July 3 July 9, 2019
Notification Deadline: July 8 July 12, 2019
Application Procedure:
To apply for a scholarship or free registration, the student must submit the necessary materials in an e-mail to birte.workshop@gmail.com. Please submit the following materials (in a single PDF file) with your application:
- Student's full name and email address.
- Name and address of student's school.
- Advisor's full name and email address.
- One-page statement from the student, summarizing his/her research related to the workshop theme (e.g., motivation, problem description, approach, publications).
- A 1-2 page CV of the student.
- Title of the paper, if student is an author of a submitted or accepted paper in BIRTE 2019.
- A letter of support from the advisor. The letter should be brief, not exceeding one page, and explain if the student is in good academic standing and why/how the workshop would benefit his/her research. In case of student author, the letter should mention the additional travel resources that will be provided to the student for attending BIRTE and VLDB 2019.
You may send your questions regarding the travel award application process to Panos K. Chrysanthis (panos@cs.pitt.edu).
Selection Committee:
- Panos K Chrysanthis, University of Pittsburgh, USA
- Malu Castellanos, Teradata Aster, USA
- Shimin Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China