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Thirteenth International Workshop on
Real-Time Business Intelligence and Analytics
August 26, 2019 - Los Angeles, CA, USA
Topics of Interest
Areas of particular interest for the workshop include (but are not limited to) the following, as they relate to real-time business intelligence and data analytics:
- Analytics as a service
- In-database and in-memory analytics
- Serverless and lambda processing for real-time BI and analytics
- Streaming data, stream computing and streaming systems
- Streaming/real-time systems for Machine Learning and AI
- Machine Learning and AI for real-time systems
- Data mining, analytics, and OLAP for real-time decision support
- Novel architectures for real-time analytics
- Real-time analytics with hardware acceleration use cases
- Optimization, performance, and scalability of real-time analytics
- Tuning and management of the real-time data warehouse
- Integration of real-time, historical, and/or transactional data
- Data ingestion and capture in real-time
- Visualizing real-time data and information
- Case studies and experience (lessons, pitfalls, guidelines) from real-time BI practice
Special Note: We call for research, industrial, position, and demo submissions covering these topics of interest. Papers describing real-time BI / real-time analytics systems, platforms, and applications are especially welcome.